The Unspoken Truth Part 1

There’s something that I need to share with my girls~ especially because there’s a lot of young women that are my friends & cousins that I’d hate to see get hurt & used due to ignorance.
If a guy tells you that he doesn’t want a relationship but ~of course~ has no problem taking from you~ whether it’s physically or materialistically, don’t expect more from him! & if at the end of the day he gives you false hope~ Know that the minute he finds something worth the challenge ~ HE WILL JUMP SHIP! & all those things you did for him will be forgotten. He may return to you, but it won’t be because he values you~ it will be because the other one didn’t work out.

A relationship begins with true friendship & respect, intellectually & emotionally~ ANYONE can get laid! But that connection you hope for will not be there. Know your worth & follow your instincts because truth is that men will always show their true colors from the start. Accept what they show you and don’t try to convince yourself that there is more.

I’m saying this because I have recently called out a guy friend on this. I refuse to give in to His truth. I know where I stand in this equation & he risks losing a friend. But I’m hurt that he can treat another person the way he does. Being with his “girlfriend” knowing that he truly doesn’t care for her & is just using her~ that’s so sad. L

At the end of the day we reap what we sow. Keep it real, you cannot expect more from another person if you are not putting out there what you would like in return from your significant other. Don’t expect a man to buckle down & be with just you if you yourself have a couple of “friends” on the side!

Recognize the person you have your heart set out for. Truly see who they are and give them understanding as a friend. They may not be ready for what you want, be unselfish & real to where you stand. The friendship may turn into more but you may also risk it just staying a friendship & find that you may have to cut your losses & move on! Don’t use ignorance as an excuse. Know your value & never settle for less but wait for the best.

I’m writing this because I recently am recognizing my feelings for a friend, but he is a true friend. For a long time I followed the advice of a friend; never put all of your peas in one pot. Yet this friend, years later, is not where she wants to be in her relationship. As time passes by, she devices a plan to move on but never does. Even then she still has other “players” in the game. I don’t want to be that girl. I pride myself in being faithful, loyal, and giving. I don’t want to give that to just anyone & I don’t want to sleep around. I want someone who see’s my worth and values my thoughts and input as a partner in a relationship. I know now that if I want that I need to let go of the other worthless friendships. Although they don’t make it easy (I get the persuasive ones) but where there is a will there’s always a way.


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