Classification: Severe Attention Seeker, the Possibility Stealer

We all know this person, right?!

The one that when they walk into the room they have to impress the crowd
You know this person; the one has to dominate the conversation? ~

They did what you did, but BETTER!
They fear loneliness because they are aware they’re not their own best company

Beware: keep your significant other, spouse, or potential partner away from them~
You may end up leaving alone!

You know this person, the one that claims to be your friend?
The one you stay quiet for?

You forgive their trespasses
Yet you do everything possible to keep your love interests away from them

You step aside to give them the spot light, you allow them to shine
In the process you neglect yourself & your heart giving them opportunities for redemption

It won’t work, they’ve been branded
Their classification: severe attention seeker, the possibility stealer

Don’t be surprised they may steal your spot light
The best thing to do is to step aside & allow them to make a fool of themselves

Enjoy the show!! J


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