That Stalker Love

Watching this rain pour down has me feeling nostalgic

Thinking about the youthful love that I once experienced
The love that over takes you, changes you, makes you crazy
Yet it hurts to breathe without his presence, his touch, the way he makes you feel
That look he gives you when you enter the room
And as you scan that busy room, you spot his welcoming smile
I miss that love, the one that is so intense it makes you do crazy things
That stalker love, the kind that you know you’ll do whatever to protect him
Protect his love for you & you just know he’ll do the same
Often I wonder if I can love with that much intensity,
Although I know that a love with that much intensity is not healthy
But to feel a quarter of it will remind me that I’m still passionately alive
Regardless of the pain it brought, I’d do it all over again
So to my anonymous youthful love, Thank You for that experience
I’m ready to welcome That Healthy Truthful Love
Leave the hurt at the door~ please & thank you J


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